Adding Art to Talk Therapy
I offer the following services:

Art Therapy
Art therapy involves using art forms such as drawing, painting, collage, sculpture
materials and more in “directives” which assist the client in bringing to light unexpressed feelings, thoughts and connections to inner issues. This information may then be integrated into the talk therapy session. No artistic skills are necessary! It is the content that matters.

Couples Therapy
Couples therapy improves your relationships by helping you discover and identify the sometimes hidden causes of issues negatively affecting your relationships. Working with each other and with the therapist, these issues can be addressed and solutions found.

DBT Skill Group
DBT provides you with a set of skills to build awareness of your thoughts and feelings and help regulate your emotions. DBT skills are taught in small groups, where homework is reviewed every week, and a new skill is taught.

Individual Therapy
We work together to examine your past, your present and how to make your future goals a reality. Issues of work, love, health and family are addressed and carefully explored as needed. In addition to our meetings, you may be given “homework” to move your growth along at a faster pace.

Together, we explore, and when necessary, heal your sense of self, your identity, your relationships. We work on the sometimes difficult issues of coming out to family members, friends and colleagues at your workplace.

Retirement and Aging
Many of us find ourselves changing careers, a universally experienced stumbling block at any age. Together we work on creating a map or a series of steps that can help you move forward. If you are approaching aging and retirement, we look at new issues of identity, of health and financial issues and family concerns, all of which can seem overwhelming.
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